Staring down from the balcony of a high rise building, I can see trees swaying in the wind and I hear the sound of people's voices carried up to the balcony from the breeze. I'm looking down from a very high vantage and the people appear as ants. It's early morning, the sun is shining a new light from below the earth, offering me some warmth to cut through the cold breeze. The aesthetic is gloomy and muted in shades of blue, except for warm orange highlights and shadows painted by the sun. I hear dogs barking, birds chirping, and women's laughter from below. I'm really enjoying the feeling of the breeze and the sun, and I can see some clouds floating very slowly towards me at level with the balcony. I turn back to look at the door leading to the balcony, it's clear glass with a black metal frame covered in intricate gilded inlays. In my mind, I know that the door is not normal, and when I touch the frame I see the inlays glow with a light from within, in rhythm with my breath. In the next moments I see memories come to me of other people standing in this same spot, touching the door. I can hear their breathing too, hundreds of them, all synchronized with my own, and they are all different kinds of people. At the same time, I can see the shadow of a cat shearing and stretching in response to the door's glow. I remember the cat, but it's not a cat I know in the waking world, she's mine, solid dark gray like smoke and that is her name. Her tail lashes quickly whenever the door's glow grows brightest.

As the memories continue, I notice one of them is yours... you were here too once, standing in the same place, and you were with someone else that I don't know, and I can sense that you were angry with me in the memory, and you were describing to this person many disapproving thoughts about me, and he was affirming your views, but I can't actually hear the words from either of you. I know I can touch the memory deeper to draw out more details of the moment but I'm sure that if I do it there will be negative consequences. At the same time, now I can hear a knock at another door from within, I also hear Smoke mewing and I can see she is on her hind legs, leaning against the glass with her claws clacking against it. I also notice the mist of the cloud from before, but now it is upon me and the gold light from the door is scattering throughout the volume of the cloud. In this moment I'm sort of panicked, everything is overwhelming, the memories of your anger, the knocking at the door, Smoke's mewing, the mist of the cloud and the bright light occluding my vision. I also have a nagging feeling that I should walk through the door before its too late, but everything is so heavy.

The mist of the cloud continues to move and somehow I'm moving with it, and I know it's because the door's gold light has already altered the composition of the mist, and me along with it because I'm bathing in it and breathing it in. Now I am part of the cloud, and as the mist moves over and passes the balcony I can see the inlays in the balcony door frame have been drained of all their gold and now resemble washed out tarnished bronze. The knocking at the door has become loud bangs and some people burst through the interior door, I can only see their shadows, but I can also hear that it's a commotion and that they're rushing towards the balcony, but I'm already floating too far away, and the wind is picking up even further. I can feel that my self has become suffused with the cloud and the gold light, and I know the door's memories are here with me, yet even though my "waking" identity is curious, my self of the dream doesn't care anymore because I'm no longer a person, and I know I should not care about your memories anymore than my own, and in fact both you and my own memories of that prior moment become like cards in a deck, and I see myself as an "other", just as I see you and all the others in the cloud of memories.

The wind becomes more violent and the city is receding from my senses, like a plane taking off, but somehow I can "see" in all directions. As time moves on I feel myself being drawn into a bigger system of clouds, and when I connect to them the gold light flows out into the wider system and I can sense in my mind a kind of group essence embodied in the clouds. I am learning that the different cloud formations are representations of different essences within the structure of the clouds, like cumulonimbus clouds are the aspect of love and altocumulus are the aspect of fear (and many other details that I can't remember) which come together to compose the essential qualities of reality. Yet now, with the gold light, the clouds are using the memories to act with a voice, and the greater essence of the cloud is using my image and yours to communicate a story to me. Almost like a play, where we are both actors, and the story is being told as a dialog between us. In the dialog, many truths about the universe are being explained through the dynamic of our past history played out. There is a lot of emotion, and the clouds are darkening and lightning is flashing through the clouds. Somehow I can sense myself again, and I'm upset about the dialog between us, but in this disembodied form all I can do is watch it helplessly. Eventually the emotion is so heavy that I feel myself becoming rain, and the dialog has shifted to say that I'm too connected to the emotions, and my essence will be flushed out of the cloud. I feel myself falling, falling, falling... then I WAKE